Perugia Airport to Valliano
The airport in Perugia is very convenient for getting to and from Valliano. The drive takes about 40 minutes, assuming the traffic is clear, and by and large it always has been when we have been visiting.
Getting from Perugia to Valliano is fairly easy. The airport is relatively small and so, apart from sometimes a queue for the hire cars, it all functions fairly efficiently.
If you have a sat nav in your hire car or you are using iPhones etc then obviously be guided by them. I suggest you set the Sat Nav for Promano, which will take you up the E45 past Perugia itself, and then north, towards Cesena Nord (which is where the E45 heads). Once you turn off at Promano follow the directions elsewhere in this blog to get to Valliano
If you are free-spirited enough to believe you don’t need sat nav, then good luck. We tend to take the first right out of the airport as soon as we leave the airport car park and that takes us across country to join the E45. Join E45 heading for Cesena Nord then stay on that for about 25 minutes or so, and take Promano exit
That then takes you around the side of Perugia on the way to Promano where you leave the E45 and start the drive up to the hills to reach Valliano.
Valliano to Perugia Airport
The journey takes no more than 40 minutes in our experience but there is one bit where it is easy to miss the turn off if you are not using sat nav, so allow sufficient time
Two points to watch out for if you are going to the airport with a hire car and you need to ensure it has a full tank of petrol.
The last petrol station is about 2km after the Ponte Felcetto exit. It is 24 hour opening. Overall we reckon that the petrol station is about 50km after leaving Valliano and probably about 10 minutes before you get to the airport. That probably means you can calculate our average driving speed down the E45….
Secondly, if you are heading to the airport from Valliano the turn off to the airport comes up without warning. The signs to the airport off the E45 are much better than theyu sued to be. Originally they did not actually mention the fact that it is the airport junction, but they have corrected that. You need to be in the right-hand lane to turn effectively right and off the E45.
The sign immediately before the exit to the airport, is signed to Spoletto and Fogliono. so that is your warning.
Don’t set your sat nav for Sant’ Egidio (the airport name) because that is the village name (we think) for the village near the airport and you end up wandering around backstreets of a small village overlooking the airport.
And in case you are interested, Sant’ Egidio is Saint Giles. And if you check out Sant’ Egidio on line it is best known now as the name of a Catholic lay community which is represented in 73 countries and which, amongst other impressive achievements, brokered an end to the civil war in Mozambique. Shout out for the Sant’ Egidians….